Epiosode 6 Podcast Companion: They Guys Discuss Sous-Vide


Hi everyone!  Episode 6 of the podcast is here!

Couple things: first, this episode is all about sous-vide, which may be a little dry and technical for some of you, but you should still tune in to listen to the bit about Kuma's Corner, a burger bar where the special sandwiches are COMPLETELY INSANE.  It turns out, alert listener Tom Deluca heard us in episode 1, riffing on over-the-top burgers and wanted to let us know that what we normally thougth of as over-the-top didn't even qualify for these excellent, excellent madmen.  

Second, it looks like we have corrected the ridiculous noise issues that plagued our early sessions.  Note, we are still two barely competent blowhards, there's that, but at least it no longer sounds like we are broadcasting from the back seat of a 1986 Buick Skylark that's just been pushed off a New Jersey pier by a couple of Gambino family associates.  Learning curve, baby!

Apart from that, it's a lot of tech talk about how to approximate sous-vide cooking in the home.  We don't really have too much visual content for this episode, so instead, here are link's to Uncle Nate's Sous-Vide Lessons, Part 1 and Part 2.  Nate's been doing his best to present an easier, and less expensive, alternative to full-on sous-vide cooking, and these blocks will make a nice companion to the episode.  Also, here's a link to Chef David Arnold's Blog, which is way better than this one, and which is where we learned the water-displacement trick that Nate's ghetto sous-vide system runs on, instead of a $1200 chamber vacuum sealer that's the size of an 80's TV set.

Time stamps: 

1:06  The Insane Burger Roundup (Funny Story)

10:10 Introducing Sous Vide Cooking

21:47 Practical Applications for Circulator Cooking We’ve Seen  in the Field

46:00 A Digression on the New Best Taco Place in Charleston

49:00 Another Digression, This Time About Pepperoni Grease

54:34 The Guys Get Back On Topic- Sous Vide

57:36 The Water Displacement Method

1:06:00 Techniques You CAN’T Do With the Ziploc Method

1:11:05 Jesse Claims Vacuum Sealers Cost $3000, Actually, It’s More Like $1200

Uhh, yeah, that's right, we have one piece of errata.  Jesse was claiming vacuum sealers were far more expensive than they actually are.  He has no idea what he's talking about, like, 75% of the time.

{Yeah, but I more than make up for it with folksy charm.  Anyway, Nate's the brains of this outfit.  -JS}

{Am I?  Wow.  Jesus.  -NW}
