Hi everyone!  It's time for the next instalment of the podcast!  In this episode, the guys reveal the cookbooks that no serious cook should be without.  (We kept on saying 'If you don't have this book, it's not my problem' and we finally decided to put out a list, just to get y'all up to speed.)  Plus, we have our usual array of opinionated tirades and savage funny stories.  Tune in, especially, for the legendary turkey story.  Nate is SO HILARIOUS when he's mad!

Time Stamps:

1:00 The Turkey Story 
6:30 The Jesse Steps in a Bucket of Chicken Fat Story 
9:56 Listener Questions (Sous-Vide and Rocotillo Peppers)
19:16 The ‘It’s Not Our Problem Boooklist’
22:25 Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Child)
24:40 In Pursuit of Flavor (Lewis)
26:48 The French Laundry Cookbook/Bouchon (Keller)
33:28 Chez Panisse Vegetables (Waters)
36:33 Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking (Hazan)
39:45 Cooking By Hand (Hazan)
45:10 Tarver King Invades Hot Dogs and Caviar with Real Time Listener Questions
48:01 The Jesse Crank Calls Sheree, and Sheree Almost Skins Him Story
52:43 The Whole Beast (Ferguson)
57:40 Momofuku (Chang)

Links: Okay, so most of the books we discussed on this session, you can already find a link to in Episode 5 (Culinary Mt. Rushmore).  Check it out here!

However, there are a couple that we didn't cover then.

Edna Lewis's In Pursuit of Flavor

Fergus Henderson's The Whole Beast

Also, Nate referenced a bound copy of the Bouchon and French Laundry Cookbooks they were selling as one.  Well, that's gone out of print, and is now stupidly expensive, but Amazon had copies of The French Laundry Cookbook and Bouchon for less than 10 bucks each, so if you can't get it together to give them a look, well, you know the rest.

Also, and important note from Jesse: 

So when we were talking about Cooking by Hand, I said something that came off a little dickish, because I didn't clearly communicate.  When I was talking about how my story about how I found Cooking by Hand was better than Nate's, because I thumbed through a copy sitting in the Woodlands locker room, eating one of the best meals of my life after my stage, what I failed to communicate was that Nate was the one directing that meal.   What I was trying to do was to thank him for a truly singular meal that changed my direction in life, but I knew the story, and he knew the story, so I obviously forgot to highlight a detail or two.  That meal, five courses of absolute excellence, was absolutely transformative, and it got me to defer my bourgeois dreams of middle management for just a little while longer, and I was inducted into the best kitchen staff I've ever been a part of.  (I mean, Trio, under Grant Achatz, was a pretty great crew, but they had MY incompetent 22-year-old ass dragging the average down.  You get what I'm saying...)

Anyway, just wanted to clear that up.



  1. Hi! I listened to this episode and I just wanted to say that I'm not nearly as grumpy as I was when I had to work the line every night. Sorry for getting mad at you when you endlessly pranked and teased me, Jesse. For the record, I think you're both warrior bad-asses and I really enjoy listening to you both riff. As one of the only ladies in the Woodland's kitchen, I can tell some amazing stories if you ever want to use my excellent total recall abilities. But I doubt you do, lol! Keep up the stellar work! -Warrior Sheree

  2. Hi Sheree!! Great to hear from you! I'm glad you're enjoying things. And I just want to say for posterity, in case it wasn't clear, any time you ever got mad at me, I 100% had it coming! -Warrior Jesse. (Christ, it must have been tough being like the only girl in that sandbox full of rambunctious dudes. Busby was like 3 teenagers, all by himself!)


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