Podcast Companion: Neolithic Cooking Techniques--Tarver and the Guys Go WAY, WAY Off-Script
Hi everyone! Tarver is with us once again. Jesse had a whole episode of topics planned out (well, to the extent we plan anything), but Tarver and Nate had other ideas, and we ended up discussing grilling, smoking, hardwood, and charcoal for an entire episode's worth of material.
I mean, we are always unscripted, but this one was, like, especially unscripted. Still, it's a great show, give it a listen if you're into fire. (If you aren't into fire, you may be reading the wrong blog.)
Time Stamps:
0:00 Pre-show Antics
4:30 Tarver’s Epic Prank Call Backfire
7:20 The Fake Reservation Story
10:30 The Talk Turns to Hot Peppers
13:40 The Guys Pivot to the Topic (Apparently) at Hand: Charcoal
23:35 Tarver’s Next-Level Half-Baked Charcoal Trick
28:30 On Cooking as Time Travel
32:12 Smoked Oil
37:09 Smoked/Grilled Dish Ideas
Bonus Content: (Videos of Tarver's Charcoal-Making Project)
Links! (AKA the 'What the Hell are They Talking About?' Department)
Tarver's Perfectly Preserved Chinese Corpse
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