Another Conversation with Tarver 'Super King' King!!

 Hi everyone!  we caught up with Super King again, as is evidenced by our brilliant illustration.  Seriously, that drawing is as good as a photo.

So we were gonna discuss the film Pig, but Nate's kids wouldn't let him watch it, so that'll have to wait until next week.  Instead, we just talked about food and stuff.

Time Stamps

2:20 The Guys’ Favorite Food Movies

7:50 The Microgreens Debate, with Digressions

21:20 The New Heights Story (Logan vs. Jesse)

25:10 Logan Busts Chef’s Garden’s Balls

27:46 Another Kuma’s Corner Monstrosity

30:33 Crazy Brazilian Dogs

39:00 The Lips and Assholes Myth

46:48 Cream Searing

54:00 Maple Searing

57:32 A Weird Segue into Weird Chocolate


We went back and forth about whether Snake River Farms hot dogs were cased in lamb casings or collagen sleeves.  After much (~5 min) research, we've established that they are collagen sleeves.

Also, TK was going on about Fouace Craquelin, a sweet brioche pastry.  We just wanted you to see the word written down, so you'd know what to Google, because the spelling is... counterintuitive.


We discussed, but couldn't think of the name of, the The Hundred Foot Journey, one of the greatest food films ever made (apparently, Jesse still hasn't seen it, and he's the one typing this).  

We also discussed crazy Brazilian hot dogs.  Gaze upon them in all their glory.

We were trying to figure out, in the moment, if TK's Nutrifos was the same thing as the Polyphosphate Jesse used in his French Laundry/Per Se recipe testing.  After far, far too many google searches, we finally established that, yes, they are the same thing.  Here is a Wikipedia article on the compound.  
