Podcast Companion: TK and Jesse Design a Menu in Real Time, Part 1


Hi everyone!  Nate's off this week, so TK was guest host, and we did something a little different.  We staged a mock menu meeting, and designed a tasting menu in real time.  The theme we ended up going with was 'Origin Stories,' where each dish had a personal connection to the culinary lives of either Tarver, myself, or both of us.  It was A TON OF FUN!

Predictably, it ran way over, so it's gonna be a two-parter.  For the first part, we discussed the first 2 (of 7[!!]) courses.  We finished the episode the next morning, but it's not edited yet, so that'll be next week.

Time Stamps:

2:50 Themes and Parameters

8:43 A Brief Interlude for Tarver’s Best Hot Dog

11:02 The Guys Get Down to Business

11:10 Tarver’s Hors D’Oeuvre Course

28:39  The Woodlands’ ‘Oysters from Cold to Hot Dish’

30:36 Back to the Hors Course

48:34 The Only Good Thing About Colonialism

1:02:43 Jesse’s Fish Course


Tarver talked a little bit about Vacherin Cheese.  Follow the link to learn about it over at Murray's cheese shop!

The corn for making corn nuts I couldn't think of the name of is mote pelado.  I got mine at my local Mexican grocery, but if you don't have access to one, you can head over to the Evil Empire and get some.  They are super-easy and delicious.

TK talked a bit about Hog Island, in Surry County, VA.  Here is a link to Surry County's Tourism Board for more information.

Speaking of Surry County, here is a link to the Edwards Virginia Smokehouse page.  Beware, you will want to spend all of your money.  For guys like TK and me, this is basically a porn site.  Hubba hubba.
